New publication alert!
Nirjhar Ruth Ghosh, who attended the winter 2022 Systematic Review workshop as an Evidence Foundation scholar, recently published the results of her hard work in The Journal of Nutrition! The project, "Evidence-Based Practice Competencies Among Nutrition Professionals and Students: A Systematic Review" was originally presented by Ghosh to her fellow attendees of the virtual workshop. The results of the systematic review are now able to be read in detail at this link.
In an accompanying editorial lauding the publication, Francene M. Steinberg wrote that "Ghosh et al. have provided a foundation for further consideration of steps to advance interprofessional competencies in EBP to optimize clinical nutrition decision making and patient care outcomes. Improved clarity about core competencies, innovative EBP curriculum and pedagogic approaches, and more rigorous research evaluations of EBP application and outcomes are all necessary components of the path forward."

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